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Life-saving cures, gifted microbes, and a new superconducting power source: meet Wellington UniVentures’ latest cohort of Emerging Innovators

Wellington UniVentures supports commercially curious academics to learn what it takes to become entrepreneurs through the Emerging Innovator programme.

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Adam Francis: a new power source to propel an electric future

Dr Adam Francis is a scientist at the renowned Robinson Research Institute, a research centre within Victoria University that specialises…

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Dr Farah Lamiable-Oulaidi: finding lifesaving cures for rare diseases

Dr Farah Lamiable-Oulaidi is one of Wellington UniVentures newest Emerging Innovators. She leads the carbohydrate chemistry group at Ferrier Research…

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Da Jing: a new method for discovering ‘gifted’ microbes

Da Jing is one of Wellington UniVentures newest researchers to join the KiwiNet Emerging Innovator programme. Da’s work focuses on…

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Increased links to Latin America could turbocharge New Zealand’s primary sector

Latin America is an emerging biotech hub that’s been overlooked by New Zealand for too long, writes Wellington UniVentures Business…

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Scholarship leads to innovative solution for coral bleaching

PhD student Oscar Crehan is well on his way to developing a new approach to save coral reefs from bleaching,…

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Supporting Emerging Innovators

Wellington UniVentures seeks out Victoria University of Wellington early career scientists interested in commercialisation, and helps them grow their entrepreneurial…

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Meet Dr Albert Antolin Fontes, Wellington UniVentures newest commercialisation manager

The newest member of Wellington UniVentures’ commercialisation team, Dr Albert Antolin Fontes, supports bringing Robinson Research Institute (RRI)’s cutting-edge superconducting…

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Wellington UniVentures brings new commercialisation programme to University community

Starting in March 2024, Wellington UniVentures is offering the Te Herenga Waka – Victoria University of Wellington community free access…

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Spotlight on Eilish Marra for International Day of Women in Science

This International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we’re putting the spotlight on Eilish Marra. Eilish is a Research…

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Streamlined leadership team

In line with Te Herenga Waka  – Victoria University of Wellington's renewed focus on financial sustainability, in late 2023 Wellington…

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Sticking to their knitting

The start-up looking to revolutionise the bra shopping experience through delivering custom, 3D knitted bras is preparing for launch.

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