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Entrepreneurial talent encouraged

PhD student Shalini Divya recently became the ninth Victoria University of Wellington researcher to be awarded a place in the KiwiNet…

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Breaking down barriers

Wellington UniVentures has been helping a former Victoria University of Wellington researcher to turn the research she developed there into…

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The potentially global impact of local science


An anti-viral compound that was designed and synthesised by Victoria University of Wellington’s Ferrier Research Institute appears to have the…

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Growing big ideas towards big impact

Wellington UniVentures’ close partnership with the Kiwi Innovation Network (KiwiNet) has once again opened up opportunities for Victoria University of…

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Level 3 at Wellington UniVentures

The move to Level 3 on Tuesday 28 April sees business continuing as usual for Wellington UniVentures.

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Design thinking creates better results for all

Building, designing and problem-solving is all in a day’s work for Tim Brox, Wellington UniVentures’ Product Design Manager.

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Living in a materials world

Recognising the commercial potential of an idea aimed at enhancing research methods in his own lab has led one Victoria…

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New approach to battling breast cancer


The principal cause of death from breast cancer remains the spread of primary tumours to other parts of the body…

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A local solution to a global crisis?


With the world in lockdown against COVID-19, the race is on to find novel therapies to cure and prevent the…

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A quick response to the COVID-19 crisis

The moment it was announced that New Zealand would be moving to a nationwide lockdown within two days, Wellington UniVentures…

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Wellington UniVentures COVID-19 Response

In response to the New Zealand Government placing the country into a Level 4 alert on Thursday 26 March, all…

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Combatting period poverty

Sanitary products alone can cost a woman up to $15,000 over her lifetime. What happens when these products are just…

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