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A Better Fit

Looking not only at design, but understanding the wants and needs of women who have experienced reconstructive surgery, sisters Xuxu…

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Liquium strives for cleaner future

Introducing Liquium! The Wellington UniVentures ammonia project recently got a new name and visual identity just in time to celebrate…

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Mike Collins Commercialisation Scholarship now open

A new scholarship in memory of former Wellington UniVentures Chair, Mike Collins is now open for application.

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The art of disagreement

The Jeremy Bloomfield Memorial Scholarship announced by Wellington UniVentures last year was recently awarded to Baptiste Roucau—a Victoria University of…

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KiVa growth continues

One of New Zealand’s largest philanthropic organisations recently recognised the potential benefits of KiVa—a bullying prevention programme developed in Finland…

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Supporting our people to create impact


Commercialisation and entrepreneurship play vital roles in helping Victoria University of Wellington’s researchers to address national and global challenges, and…

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Building on success

Another Wellington UniVentures spin-out company—X-Frame™—has oversubscribed its maiden capital raise, enabling a Victoria University of Wellington entrepreneur to take his…

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That green light


Wellington UniVentures spinout company, Rekover Therapeutics, has received consent from Medsafe that will allow them to trial their ground-breaking drug…

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Focusing on the journey

With three more Victoria University of Wellington scientists accepted into the latest intake of KiwiNet’s Emerging Innovator Programme, Wellington UniVentures—who…

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New company charges up

Wellington UniVentures is incorporating a new spin-out company—TasmanIon—that could spell the beginning of the end for the world’s toxic, hard-to-recycle…

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The year that was

It goes without saying that COVID-19 has made 2020 a year that none of us will ever forget; it impacted…

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Protecting what’s important

Every year, Victoria University of Wellington researchers make numerous discoveries that have the potential to create significant, positive impact in…

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